Thursday 25 August 2016

Each Zodiac Signs and their Meanings ~ Empathic Lady

So now that you know what astrology is we will talk about the zodiac signs.


 Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac, and its ruled by the 1st house of the self and  its the baby of the group.
  Its very much like a child like energy and it is a fire sign. Fire signs are warm, passionate and  Aries is ruled by mars.  Mars planet is aggressive, war, passion its a go getting energy. They are a cardinal sign, meaning they are easy going.  Having Aries in your chart would make you very optimistic, fun, active and impulsive.
Its Symbolised as the Ram  and its constellation is shown bellow. In medical Astrology Aries rules the head. If you have Aries in the 6th house, you maybe prone to migraines and headaches.

I believe Aries are compatible with Gemini,Leo,Sagittarius,Libra,Aquarius and Scorpio
WHY? ; Aries, trine with Sagittarius and Leo, making them a harmonious bond.
With Aries and Scorpio they are just like a trine as they are ruled by the same planet so they are have the same feisty energy. 
With Aries, Gemini and Aquarius they sextile meaning they are attracted to each others quality and love to party, socialise and have fun. 
With Aries and Libra, they oppose each other. It can go both ways however, opposites attract! 




Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac and its an earth sign. 
It is Ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet of beauty, love and money. 
Taurus is the oldest sign of the zodiac. Its ruled by the 2nd house of income , other peoples money and banks and loans etc. 
 It is a fixed sign, meaning they can be very stubborn. 
Taurus is a caring, traditional type of sign. They love to cook , clean and take care of people. In Medical astrology they are ruled by the throat.
They are money oriented , more over than Libra, as Libra is also ruled by Venus.  
I believe Taurus are compatible with Capricorn , Virgo, Cancer, Libra,Scorpio and Pisces .
Why? : Taurus trines with Capricorn and Virgo, making the very harmonious as they are all Earth signs.
They Sextile with Cancer and Pisces, as they bring a characteristic, a romantic, emotional  and very artistic energy
They Trine with Libra as they both have the same ruler and have the same understanding 
With Taurus and Scorpio they oppose, meaning they offer each of their quality to each other, they are fixed and they are very stubborn  however opposites do attract! 


Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury. Mercury is the planet of communication , media and thoughts. Gemini is social sign and love to chat, gossip with friends and family. They are a fun loving energy and they love partying, and they are very good communicators. They can lie or they can be brutally honest but there either one or the other.  They love media, they love music , they love reading and any other communicative hobby. They are ruled by the 3rd house of communication , short distance travel and younger siblings. They are great for ideas and innovated project but can get bored very easily. In medical astrology Gemini is ruled by the hands , arms and lungs.
The Constellation of Gemini is pictured below!
I believe that Gemini are compatible with : Aries,Leo,Libra,Sagittarius, Virgo and Aquarius

Gemini trines with Aquarius and Libra as they are harmonious together.

Gemini  get on great with Virgo's as they are both ruled by the same planet.

They sextile with Aries, Leo 
and Oppose to Sagittarius as they offer different quality to each others lives. 


Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac that ruls the 4th house of home, family and mother. It a water sign ; 1st water sign. That's why cancers are so sensitive. Sometimes in a birth chart if there are bad aspects to cancer, the person can be extremely manipulative . Cancer can be moody, however i believe that comes down to being an  Empath as they sponge up so much of peoples energies and emotions. In Medical astrology  Cancers ruled by the breasts and stomach.
Cancers are extremely caring and motherly and they are ruled by the moon.
I believe that Cancers are compatible with : Pisces,Scorpio,Taurus,Virgo,Sagittarius and Capricorn

With Cancer,Pisces and Scorpio, they all trine, which is very harmonious.
With cancer, Virgo and Taurus   Sextile, witch makes them very hot and steamy!!
cancer and Sagittarius get on very well together.
With Cancer and Capricorn, They oppose and they bring a certain quality in each other . Also Opposites do attract!


Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac sign is ruler of the 5th house of creativity, children and  hobbies.
Leo is a fire sign witch is ruled by the sun. People with leo in there chart like to have their ego's light up and they love to be in lime light, they love to be treated like a king or queen. If they have oppositions in their chart, they may find it awkward for them to want to be spoilt and lavished with gifts. Leos are warm , loving and very charming.
I heard something that was very true a few weeks ago say water , air and earth sign can be warm and some can be cold but fire sign are always warm. Which i find to be extremely accurate. In Medical Astrology Leo is ruled by the heart and the spine.

I believe that Leos get along with Aries ,Sagittarius , Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

With Leo,Aries and Sagittarius, they trine and they are harmonious.

With Leo,Gemini,Aries and Libra They sextile, bring warm and passion with the relationship.

with Leo and Aquarius they oppose, they bring completely different flavor to the relationship.


Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac and is in the 6th house of chores, housework, daily routine and health.
Its an earth sign and its symbols as the virgin. The Virgin is independent, healthy, practical, analytical and they think of the next step in their day to day life and in the future. Virgo's are ruled by mercury just like Gemini. However Gemini's get very bored easily and change their minds however Virgos are fixed , so they can carry on with an idea. If a Virgo person works with a Gemini person, its mostly the  Gemini comes up with the idea and the rest is carried out and Manifested by Virgo.
Virgos are very down to earth, they don't take no nonsense from anyone. They are kind, witty and they love to help people. In Medical Astrology Virgo is ruled by intestines, liver and bowel. 

To me Virgo Is Compatible with Taurus,Capricorn,Cancer,Scorpio, Gemini and Pisces.

Virgo,Capricorn and Taurus Trine with each other, they are harmonious.

Virgos sextile with Cancer,Scorpio. This makes them have that special flavor within the relationship and friendship

Virgos get along with Gemini's because of the same ruling planet
Virgos oppose to Pisces as they offer differences to their personalities



Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac and ruled the 7th house of relationships ( Love and business) This sign is an air sign and is symbolised as the scales. That's why Libra is all about harmony, balance, beauty and is ruler planet is Venus just like Taurus, is money oriented.  I like to think of this sign as not so balanced even though they look for it, they offer too much to people and rarely get back anything. Libra is cardinal sign which makes them go with the flow, very easy going, They are kind but their kindness come in the form of balance, so if you know a Libra, who comes across a little harsh, its only because they are looking out for you. they love and care about you.
In Medical Astrology Libra is ruled by Kidneys,Bladder and Vaginal orgins.
I believe that Libra get along with Aquarius,Gemini,Taurus,Leo,Sagittarius and Aries
Libra,Aquarius and Gemini's Trine and they are harmonious
Libra and Taurus are ruled by the same planet
Libra Sextile with Leo and Sagittarius
Libra opposes to Aries

Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac and rules the 8th house of business partnership, secret that you hide from others,death and rebirth. It also the house of mysteriousness.  Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of power, obsessions,controlling others and aggressiveness too 
Scorpio is a water sign and is the second water sign on the wheel. Scorpios are the type that keep a lot in and most more than some feel as if their life is burdened or cursed. Scorpios are mysterious and they don't let on when they feel bad. They get on with life as if nothing happens. They are a very fixed sign that makes it more hard for them to be easy going or easy on themselves.
In Medical Astrology Scorpio ruls the sex orgins.
I believe they are compatible with Pisces,Cancer,Virgo,Capricorn, Aquarius and Taurus
Scorpio,Cancer and Pisces trine and they understand each other
Scorpio are attracted to Taurus as they appose
Scorpios have a fun loving energy with Virgo & Capricorns
They have a special bond with Aquarius which i will talk about later in this blog post.


Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac and is the ruler of the 9th house witch is all about higher learning, the belief system, religious views , philosophical views and its ruler is Jupiter. Jupiter is the
planet of expansion, luck, good fortune, higher learning and its about long distance travel.
When you meet a Sagittarius, they are very outgoing, spontaneous, they get along with everyone. Some people make them out to be quite superficial and some of the cases are true. Some Sagittarius's they carry a little extra weight and are very passionate about learning and reading about philosophical and spiritual things. Some even become teachers and not just in a spiritual but in a practical way.
In medical astrology Sagittarius is ruled by the thighs and hips.
Sagittarius are very optimistic and they get along with most people.
I believe they get a long with everyone especially Leo's and Aries.
They love cancers because they both have common interest and a like in many ways.
They get along with Gemini because the knowledge bounces off each other. They love exploring with the earth signs - Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. They adore nature and have got great friendships with air signs too.


Capricorn is the 10th zodiac sign witch rules the 10th house of career,social status,marketing how you put yourself in the world . Capricorn is ruled by Saturn,
 Saturn is about restrictions,delays,karma,straightforwardness and is symbolised at  the goat.
They are an earth sign and they are very frugal with money. They love the finer things in life and knows a lot of about money and they know how to earn it. They take their time in their job to work there way up! They are very stable people and they are money oriented and very much about security. In medical astrology they are ruled by the knees.
 They can become quite cold and rude if their is too much of Capricorn in the chart
I believe that Capricorns get along with Taurus,Virgo,Pisces,Scorpio and Cancer
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn Trine and have a harmonious Energy

Capricorn Sextile with Pisces and Scorpio making Capricorn enjoying the sensitivity of the water signs
Capricorn oppose's Cancer as cancer is the most emotional and Capricorn is the most ambitious sign, however them two have one thing in common = Security!


Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the 11th house of friends , networking and goals. Aquarius is an air sign ruled by Uranus and is a bold sign and is all about  being different, thinking outside of the box and being quirky.In medical astrology their ruled by the ankles They love being in the heart of community and they have the feeling they have to give constantly and because Aquarius and Scorpio have something special. Scorpio is a feeling sign and Aquarius is a thinking sign, Aquarius automatically thinks of others and Scorpio find it hard within themselves to be feeling ' OK' And with the special bond they both have Aquarius likes to help and give the necessary courage to Scorpio. They are both fixed signs so they understand each others stubbornness. Scorpios are very giving also, which bounces off Aquarius also.
Aquarius is more compatible with Libra,Gemini,Taurus,Sagittarius, Aries and Leo

Aquarius,Libra And Gemini are Air sign which makes them Trine and they are harmonious with each other.
Aquarius and Sagittarius & Aries  have a fun loving spontaneous energy and they all love animals and dislike animal cruelty and just being cruel in general. 
With Aquarius and Leo they oppose each other and love to know each persons attitudes and point of views.    


Pisces Is the 12th sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the 12th house of the unconscious, secrets, subconscious ,spirituality, foreign places, death, re-birth, dreams and your hidden talents. Pisces is a very spiritual sign, very dreamy, sensitive , emotional, loving , kind and is fixed. Pisces is ruled by Neptune witch is the planet of spirituality, art, dreaminess, 
Pisces is the strongest of water signs and is extremely intuitive and very psychic. All water signs are psychic in their own way , however Pisces is more clairvoyant , hence - Dreaminess.
It is symbolises the fish .
To me Pisces people love to be creative and spiritual. In medical astrology they are ruled by the feet. 
I believe that Pisces get along with Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn,Taurus, Libra and Virgo.
Pisces get along with cancer and Scorpio because they trine and they are harmonious 
Pisces gets along great with Capricorn, Taurus and Libra because their personalities fits well.
Pisces oppose Virgo as their personalities can clash however opposites also attract and they both have certain qualities to bring to the table. 

 I hope this was education and insightful. My next Post next week will be about the planets and their meanings.

Angel Blessings!


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