Saturday 3 September 2016

The Planets in Astrology!

As you know all about the zodiac signs and their meanings , i want to write about the planets and their meanings. In astrology we count the sun and moon also as planets and i will tell you why.

When we are born , the moment where all the planets, the moon and sun is placed in a certain zodiac sign talks a lot about us. 

Let me start off with the ascendant / rising sign and then go down one by one. 

The Rising sign or ascendant sign as its also known as. This is known as 'the map of your life' How to know your ascendant/rising sign is by knowing your time , date and birth day .


The sun sign is popular as we know it as ' our main zodiac sign' when really we are really more than one sign. 
The sun represents our soul, our ego. who we truly are deep down. 
The zodiac sign that is associate with the sun is Leo. 


The moon represents our emotions and our sensitivity.
Our emotions are different to everything we associate with .
The moon is associated with Cancer. 


                      Mars is all about passion,aggression,action and war                  
Its how we act in different ways and how we charge forward in our  lifes. Mars is associated  with the sign Scorpio and Aries.


Mercury is the planet of communication. 
Its about thoughts,speech,media,journalism and ideas.
Its associated with Gemini and Virgo


Venus is the planet of love, beauty and money.
Its about how we love and what we appreciate in out lives. In a mans chart he looks for Venus in his chart when he looks at a life partner.
The zodiac signs that associate with Venus is Taurus and Libra.


Jupiter is the planet of luck, good fortune,expansion,our higher education our belief system.
In a woman chart , Jupiter is seen for when she looks for a life partner.
Pisces and Sagittarius is associated in this planet


Pluto is the planet of power, obsession and controlling attitude.
Its associated with Scorpio. 

Uranus is the planet of righteousness , being bold and brave, thinking out side of the box. 
Its also seen as the planet of illusions and delusions and not seeing the picture as a whole.
Aquarius is associated with this planet


Neptune is the planet of dreams,of psychic encounters,intuition and creativity.
Its associated with the sign Pisces.


Saturn is the planet of restrictions, delays , karma and structure .
Its associated with Aquarius and Capricorn

I hope this has helped you a little bit more to understand astrology. 

Angel blessings 

Empathic Lady -x-